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CIO-DIO192 $199
192 Channel Digital IO Card for IBM Compatibles

CIO-DIO192 192 Channel Digital IO Card for IBM Compatibles

The CIO-DIO192 can control 192 devices or sense 192 contact closures from a single card in a PC. The CIO-DIO192 employs eight 8255 parallel peripheral interface chips which are programmable in three modes; simple byte input or output or strobed I/O. The 8255 is simple to program.

The CIO-DIO192 is a member of a family of digital I/O boards which use the 50-pin connector. Applications can easily be sized from 48 to 192 digital I/O points or more. Software is extensible to multiple points and all the accessories, including screw terminal boards, electro-mechanical relay boards and solid state relay boards interface to the same connector. Regardless of which digital I/O board is used.

I/O Register map
The CIO-DIO192 occupies 32 I/O addresses. The first address, or BASE address, is fixed by the base address switch.

Cabling and Connection
Cabling to the CIO-DIO192 is via standard 50-pin, 0.10" spacing AMP type ribbon cable connectors. Each cable carries 48 digital I/O lines, +5 V and ground. The CIO-DIO192 has four connectors.

The CIO-TERM100 screw terminal board provides 100 standard 12-22 AWG screw terminals. The CIO-MINI50 provides 50 such terminals. The SSS-RACK24 mounts 24 solid state relays, and the CIO-ERB24 mounts 24 electro-mechanical relays.

Each connector carries 48 digital I/O lines. One 8255 circuit on pins 1-24 and one on pins 25-48. Each 8255 has 24 I/O lines. The chip is configured as three ports. Two ports, A & B, are 8-bits wide, while port C may be an 8-bit port or two 4-bit ports.Individual ports may be configured as input or output, and are written to or read from as a unit.

Optional software drivers, called UNIV-DRVR, are available for programming in both DOS, Windows 3.1 & Windows 95. DOS support includes QuickBasic 4.5, Visual Basic, Turbo C, Visual C++, Microsoft C and Quick C. Windows support includes Microsoft C, Visual C++, Visual Basic, Borland C, and C++. Labview drivers are also available. (requires UNIV-DRVR)


Copy (to your hard drive) Instacal setup software for DOS and Windows 3.1 now!

Copy (to your hard drive) Instacal setup software (32-bit) now!


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